WorkSafeBC DevOps | digital transformation II
User Research, Design Sprint, Cloud application
my role: UX Designer
project size: 10 people; UX team, Business Team, and Development Team
I am currently working as the first UX Designer Co-op at WorkSafeBC, helping my UX Lead Darlene Arriola to establish a design practice for the IT DevOps team from scratch. We are currently in the process of transferring legacy applications to the cloud, in a multi-year endeavour.
The above photo is me (the dude with the marker) facilitating the first-ever UX design-thinking workshop in this organization. The project is to redesign the current “Hearing Conservation Program”, so we can help Industrial Audiometric Technicians to better collect hearing test data from all the workers in British Columbia and reduce any Noise-Induced Hearing Loss.
Since this was the first new project that UX could be involved at the very beginning. I was able to collaborate with the Business to set up the model of how UX can lead the Design Sprint and contribute to the project. I first worked closely with the Business and the Product Owner during the Product Definition Phase to set the scope of our project through UX research activities.
We conducted multiple research interviews include three on-site Ethnography studies to gather research data and gain insights into the business operation. We then synthesize the research data into Persona, Journey Map, Workflow Diagram, which we found out the user goal/needs, and discovered the pain points and opportunities.
These findings enabled us to include some key features in the new design that will level up the experience of using this future cloud application product. This was also the time of us had the design-thinking workshop to come up with some potential product concepts generated from the design activities. I then storyboarded them into Prototypes (with multiple rounds of wireframe iterations) so we would test and evaluate these product concepts with our end-users and stakeholders in the next stage.